This is a tough choice. My whole life I have loved watching series, I remember that when I was a kid I was so excited in my way back to home from school, to sit on the couch, turn on the television and be there for hours and more hours, watching “Avatar: The last airbender”, which was my favorite TV show  when I was a kid. Now, at my nineteen years, and watched a lot of series, more series that I can remember and count right now, my favorite one is “The Flash”, is a television series based on the DC comics of the same name, the principal character called Flash, is a superhero with different powers based on super speed and lightning. I like this show because I love his powers and the special effects and that in every new season, there is a new supervillain that expands more this world and gives the protagonist the opportunity to develop his powers and his life behind the mask.

When it comes to find new series to watch, my favorite ones are the series that has any kind of powers or supernatural abilities, with some mystery and a little detective theme. Now I’m watching “Dexter” so I really don’t have any series that I want to watch in this moment.


  1. I watched Avatar too in my childhood! haha it's nice to read a blog of someone with the same taste, I got to admit that i also like super heroes series, I loved the way what Zoom was perfomanced in "The Flash", I think all the series of Dc are amazing but from my point of view Gotham is better haha. Is it a coincidence that the Zoom has the same name that the app called zoom?? mmm I don't think so


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