

 With everything is happening right now, the covid, being in quarantine and how dangerous the outside can be today, I really don’t have intention of going on vacation this summer, but with my girlfriend we have been talking about that when everything is safer. We would like to go on a trip either to the beach or the South, to have some fun and have time together, because with the pandemic we have not been able to be together as much as we would like. If we were going to the beach, I think I would spend lots of time swimming in the sea with her, it’s been a while since l last swam in the see, so I think I would I would have an even better time being with her, just us for at least two weeks. On the other hand, if we were going to the South, there is a place that I would like to show her, the Icalma lagoon, I already mentioned this lagoon in a previous post, it’s a really beautiful place if you want to relax and enjoy the nature, doing some kayaking or just watching the stars together


        This is a tough choice. My whole life I have loved watching series, I remember that when I was a kid I was so excited in my way back to home from school, to sit on the couch, turn on the television and be there for hours and more hours, watching “Avatar: The last airbender”, which was my favorite TV show  when I was a kid. Now, at my nineteen years, and watched a lot of series, more series that I can remember and count right now, my favorite one is “The Flash”, is a television series based on the DC comics of the same name, the principal character called Flash, is a superhero with different powers based on super speed and lightning. I like this show because I love his powers and the special effects and that in every new season, there is a new supervillain that expands more this world and gives the protagonist the opportunity to develop his powers and his life behind the mask. When it comes to find new series to watch, my favorite ones are the series that has any kind of power


 In the future I would like to work in a hospital, being a good Pharmaceutical Chemist. I imagine waking up and thinking how many people I would be able to help thanks to my job. I definitely preferer to work indoors that outdoors, cause I feel safer and feel that it would be less things that could impide me to do my job properly. Personally I would not like to travel a lot because of my job, I think that traveling is more enjoyable if there are done for pleasure that if they are done for work, so I would prefer not to travel too much in my job. Right now as I said before, I would like to do my major related to clinical care, because I really want to be able to interact with pacients and help them directly. To be honest, I want to earn a lot of money, to be able to enjoy my life with all the comforts, to be able to travel a lot, have a decent house, food on the table and always some extra money for any situation that may appear. 


In summer of 2017, I went to Icalma with all my family, my mother, father and my two older brothers, this place it´s located in southern Chile, in the Araucanía Region, we stayed there for two weeks. After a plane trip and long hours in the car, about four hours, we finally arrived, it was so dark and we were so tired, that the first thing we did was go to sleep. At the next morning, we took a look at the place for the first time, the lagoon that we had right in front of us was so beautiful and clean, that you could see your own reflection on it. What I did most during the time we were there, was kayaking on the lagoon with some kayaks that some friends lent us, the rest of the time I just spent it relaxing and breathing all the fresh air of nature. For me these had been the best holidays because I love nature and spending time in countryside is the best.


The movies that I like are almost always more focused on fantasy, romance, a mix of both, with a bit of action, but to be honest, I can easily enjoy any kind of movies. If I had to choose from all the movies that I have seen, my favorite movie would be definitely be “Hacksaw Ridge”, I don’t usually watch many movies where the historical context of the film is one of the world wars, but this movie is amazing, I love all of it, the characters, the soundtrack, the action, everything. If you don’t tolerate the blood too much or you don’t like a slow start, I would not recommend you this movie, but if you can tolerate this two things, you would be able to enjoy an amazing movie. At the moment I ’ m writing this, the last movie that I have seen is “Ready Player Number One”, If you like video games and movies, I would definitely recommend it, you ’ ll love this movie, it has so many references to other video games and movies, that to find them all, you have to watch it very carefully.

A country I´d love to visit: Japan

  Of all the countries that exist, it´s very easy for me to choose one country, the one that I would like to go the most, I would definitely go to Japan. When I was about 12 years old, I started watching anime, like a lot, at the beginning I think I spent 6 hour per day only watching anime. Then at some point, I got interested on the language, so I started watching some videos and classes about how to speak in Japanese, the different types of writing, like kanji, katana and hiragana, where some characters means from syllables to whole words. If someday I can go to Japan, my first stop would be Tokyo, because there´s where I can find most things related to anime, food and places to visit. If there´s any possibility that I can live in Japan, I would go for it, at least for a couple years, it´s one of my dreams :D.